Homepage New Clients Emergency/Referral Hospitals

Emergency/Referral Hospitals

If your pet is having a true medical emergency, please contact our hospital immediately at (714)979-7387. Depending on the problem, we may refer to you an outside facility for extensive diagnostics and treatment.

Emergency and Referral Hospitals:

VCA West Coast Specialty & Emergency Animal Hospital

18330 Euclid Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Phone: (714)241-9001

Central Orange County Emergency Animal Hospital

3720 Campus Drive, Suite D, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: (949)261-7979

Irvine Valley Veterinary Hospital (exotic animals)

14980 Sand Canyon Ave, Irvine, CA 92618 Garden Grove, CA 92843

ASPCA Poison Control

Phone: (888)426-4435

Emergency animal hospital