Homepage Our Services Grooming


While taking care of our pets’ internal health is a top priority, their external health is very important as well. Our experienced groomers are available 7 days a week and would love the opportunity to care for your pet. Our groomers strive to foster a good relationship of trust and compliance with you and your furry baby.

All furry family members must be current on vaccinations, please see our Preventative Care Page for a list of vaccinations and pricing.

Our services range in price by weight:

Bathing Grooming
< 20lbs $35 - $45 < 20lbs $65
21-40lbs $45 – $55 21-40lbs $75
41-60lbs $55 – $65 41-60lbs $85
61-80lbs $65 – $75 61-80lbs $95
81-100lbs $75 – $85 > 81-100lbs $110
> 100lbs $85 – $95 > 100 lbs $125+
Cat Bath $60 Cat Grooming $90

If fleas are observed by the groomer, a fast-acting flea treatment (Capstar) is administered orally and a medicated bath with be performed at a fee of $10.

pet grooming animal hospital in santa ana ca

Quick Tips

Our Doctors recommend bathing your canine companion every other week to maintain a healthy skin and coat, as well as monthly nail trims. Many uncomfortable and/or painful conditions can be avoided by regularly trimming the nails!

Getting your pet bathed here with us is an excellent time for a quick ear cleaning to complete the spa day! 

The services we provide here include, but are not limited to:

Any pet unable to be handled will require sedation and exam.